Squeeze Page- Premium Support Upgrade

Special One-Time Bonus

Upgrade your Custom Plan to Premium​ Support for 86% savings!

Special One-Time Bonus

Upgrade your Custom Plan to Premium​ Support for 86% savings!

Special One-Time Bonus

Upgrade your Custom Plan to Premium​ Support for 86% savings!

One-On-One Support

Do you feel like you have more questions than the average person?  No problem!  Sign up for this one-time bonus for 1 year worth of one-on-one support.  

Sign up for my Premium Support so you can feel confident you are making all the correct food storage choices.

Each month we’ll schedule a 30 min video phone call and discuss you specific needs and questions.  


Get these bonuses with Premium Support


Video phone calls to help you with your specific  

Year of Support

Each month we’ll schedule 30 min calls for a whole year so you feel confident with your food storage plan

FREE eBook

“Building a Food Storage That Works for You” is designed to continue you on your food storage journey after receiving your plan.  

Food Storage Binder- inserts

In the eBook you’ll get cheat sheets and tabs to build your own food storage binder.  

If you want to continue on journey….

My Premium Support is designed to help you truly build a food storage that works for you to save you money, time and space.  

With your basic food storage plan, you will still receive my monthly food storage email series, but if you would like the added support and all your information up front, then you’ll want the premium support.  

Grab your bonuses now for 86% savings!

Premium Support ($599 Value)

One-on-One monthly video phone calls for a YEAR. Lasting 30 min each

Building a Food Storage That Works for You eBook($14.97 Value)

Includes my complete food storage education series along with support to build your own food storage binder, worksheets and cheat sheets.

Total Value: $613.97You get all today for:$99

(That’s 86% off!)

This will add $99 to your order

No thanks, I’d rather stick to my plan

Grab your bonuses now for 86% savings!

Premium Support ($599 Value)

One-on-One monthly video phone calls for a YEAR. Lasting 30 min each

Building a Food Storage That Works for You eBook($14.97 Value)

Includes my complete food storage education series along with support to build your own food storage binder, worksheets and cheat sheets.

Total Value: $613.97You get all today for:$99

(That’s 86% off!)

This will add $99 to your order

No thanks, I’d rather stick to my plan

Grab your bonuses now for 86% savings!

Premium Support ($599 Value)

One-on-One monthly video phone calls for a YEAR. Lasting 30 min each

Building a Food Storage That Works for You eBook($14.97 Value)

Includes my complete food storage education series along with support to build your own food storage binder, worksheets and cheat sheets.

Total Value: $613.97You get all today for:$99

(That’s 86% off!)

This will add $99 to your order

No thanks, I’d rather stick to my plan

What our customers are saying:

Answers all of your questions…

“This is amazing!  Seriously, she answers all your food storage questions and lets you feel like you are making the wisest choices on how to effectively buy for food storage without knowing a lot!  I am clueless about food storage and know I know what to buy and feed my family!”

LanaMarie//  Mom of 4

I wasn’t sure at first…

My parents tried to have some food stored away at all times and at one point we even made some 72 hour kits. I can remember few instances where any of the food in the “food storage” was touched, let alone used.  Occasionally the giant buckets of wheat would come out so we could grind it to make bread. We would also replenish our rice supply in the pantry with rice from buckets in the basement. This was my experience with emergency preparedness growing up.

Now that I have a family of my own, I have thought about starting some sort of food storage many times, but due my family and home situation, I never thought it would be practical to attempt food storage in the way my parents did. 

Charisse from “The Merrill Project” has helped me understand that being prepared for an emergency does not necessarily mean that I need to have a stockpile of wheat and rice.

Rachel //  Mom of 3

Premium Support

Premium Support is designed to help you truly build a food storage that works for you to save you money, time and space.  

With your basic food storage plan, you will still receive my monthly food storage email series, but if you would like the added support and all your information up front, then you’ll want the premium support.  

When you include it with the eBook “Building a Food Storage That Works for You”, you will have all the tools and additional support needed to truly build a food storage that works for you and your family.  

Premium Support

Premium Support is designed to help you truly build a food storage that works for you to save you money, time and space.  

With your basic food storage plan, you will still receive my monthly food storage email series, but if you would like the added support and all your information up front, then you’ll want the premium support.  

When you include it with the eBook “Building a Food Storage That Works for You”, you will have all the tools and additional support needed to truly build a food storage that works for you and your family.  

Premium Support

Premium Support is designed to help you truly build a food storage that works for you to save you money, time and space.  

With your basic food storage plan, you will still receive my monthly food storage email series, but if you would like the added support and all your information up front, then you’ll want the premium support.  

When you include it with the eBook “Building a Food Storage That Works for You”, you will have all the tools and additional support needed to truly build a food storage that works for you and your family.  

Copyright 2018, The Merrill Project


Start Your "Personalized" Food Storage Today