Have you started gathering some extra food, but quickly found out that you ran out of space to put it? There are lots of ideas that may work for you on where to store your food storage, but first, you want to be sure they follow these guidelines:
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Store your food in a…
- Cool, dark place
- Away from extreme heat and changes in temperature
- Away from moisture (if it’s on the cement ground, place a board under it first to keep out the cement chemicals).
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Where to Store Food Storage
Plastic Bins– These are great because you can get clear ones to see what is in them, and they come in a variety of sizes to fit in all kinds of places.
Boxes– Any type of boxes you get frequently are good for food storage. However, it’s easier to store boxes that are the same size. Also, when you buy #10 cans online they come in perfect boxes where 6 cans fit in a box. (These are usually short enough to fit under short beds too).
Build your own shelves– in awkward places, such as corners, above water barrels, or other random spaces you find to build.
- over the washer and dryer..only if you rotate it frequently because of the heat and humidity from the dryer. Or store other items there and place your food storage in another spot.
- in a deep corner where you can’t reach
- under the stairs
- shallow shelves behind clothes in your closet because most closets are deeper than what your clothing may need
Above your cabinets– this is best for food storage that you don’t use very often. Or, store random kitchen appliances you rarely use and put your food storage in the other place.
More Unique Food Storage Ideas:
Under your bed frame– The #10 can boxes fit under short frames. Or you can even try to raise your bed using bricks for more space. My mom uses 5 gallon buckets to raise her bed.
Empty suitcases– This is another great idea from backdoor survival. She talks about even storing your 72 hour kit in there. Then, the few times a year you use your suitcases, pile everything in a corner for your trip and refill the suitcase when you get back.
Use your food storage AS a bed frame– like my parents do in their guest room.
Plastic rotating can shelves– there are a variety of sizes on amazon (affiliate).
Cardboard rotating shelves– You can make your own or purchase some to simply put together yourself HERE.
Also, you’ve got under the stairs– This is a GREAT place to store food storage, since it’s such an awkward cubby for some. If you just have a cement floor under there, be sure to place your food storage on shelves or on a piece of wood.
Closets– most people have extra space at the end of closets where the doors don’t open all the way. Find some skinny shelves (or build some) and store canned food, stack up #10 can boxes, or even store bottled water here.
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On high shelves in closets work too. Or, like mentioned before, swap your food storage for something you don’t use very often and put those items on the high shelves. This allows you to rotate your food storage easier when it’s easier to get to.
Back of doors– Hang shoe hangers on the backs of doors and store extra spices and stuff. You can find a variety on Amazon (affiliate).
Buckets– 3 or 5 gallon. Bulk grains such as wheat and beans fit great in these. (We put our 5 lb bags of flour in them from the grocery store). Also, you can fit random size hygiene supplies in them as well. There are ALL kids of uses for buckets. They are great because they are sturdy, and fit in small corners where boxes may not fit. Read how you can find FREE buckets.
Shelves under the sink– but be sure the packing is sealed tight and it’s in a plastic container.
Similarly, in the deep kitchen cabinets– this was an idea I’d never thought off. You know where you have all those dishes you never use? Put those in a different spot (like above your kitchen cabinets) and store your food in the empty space.
Shelves above the refrigerator– Or use cute containers like these for your bulk food (sugar, flour, wheat, etc) and put them on top of the refrigerator and save some counter space.
Decorative baskets in plain sight- (like this example from backdoor survival). Also, check out these woven storage baskets on Amazon (affiliate). No one would even guess you had piles of dried beans and noodles in them! These baskets can go in entertainment centers, under end tables. In addition, you can find short baskets for storing food under your couch.
Finally, the rafters in the garage– NOT FOR FOOD though (because of the temperature changes) but store clothing and other stuff from the house that you never use in the rafters, and then move your food storage to those places.
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In Conclusion
There are TONS of hidden places you can store food storage in your house. It might be a little inconvenient, but that’s OK. I don’t know about you, but I would rather deal with a little inconvenience of getting to my food in an emergency than having no food at all.
One of the biggest things I want you to take away is this:
Use your food storage. Don’t get frustrated that you can’t find a good space for ALL of your food. You only need to find good spaces for the longer lasting food (aka freeze dried) which you won’t use and rotate often. Use the rest of your food storage, on a daily basis, and you won’t have to worry about heat or humidity.
You can also visit my Pinterest board “Food Storage Organization” for more ideas on where to Store Food Storage.
Do you have a tip on where to store food storage? Comment below!
Further Reading:
1 Year food Storage Challenge- Recipes and shopping lists
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