You may have heard about how amazing freeze dried food is. And I’m not gonna like, it is pretty cool! And I’ve had a freeze dryer on my wish list for years! That being said, as a beginner, there are a few things you need to know about freeze dried food.
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5 things you need to know about freeze dried food
What is freeze dried food? Why is it so expensive? Is it really worth on the hype it gets? I’ll let you decide.
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1. Freeze dried food process
Freeze drying is actually a 3 step process. After the food is picked in it’s ripest state, washed and cleaned, they begin the first process with freezing the food. Next, food is put in a vacuum chamber under a low heat where the frozen water crystals evaporate directly from ice to water vapor. Finally it goes under a second drying process where the last of the water molecules are removed under slightly higher temperatures. At the end of the process the food is placed in safe food grade containers and nitrogen sealed to prevent contamination from water and oxygen.
2. Freeze dried food is EXPENSIVE
Because of the intensive time and energy of the process, freeze dried foods are almost double the cost of dehydrated foods. The past few years a Harvest Right (affiliate) has started selling “personal” freeze dryer machines which are well over $1000, but it allows you to do freeze drying in your home. When you choose this process, you are able to buy your food on sale and freeze dry and package it yourself saving you money.
3. It’s MUCH EASIER to cook with freeze dried food
Freeze dried food is much easier to cook with. First off, it re-hydrates much faster than dehydrated (taking only 5-10 min instead of 20 min). Also, depending on your recipe, you may not even have to re-hydrate it at all, as you can just put it in your recipes. I have known people who have freeze dried their own grilled and season pork chops. After re-hydrating and warming up, you’ve got a meal in 10 min or less!
4. You can eat it right from the can
Fruits, veggies and even the meat (since it is cooked prior to the freeze dried process). Make sure if you do find yourself eating a lot of freeze dried food from the can, you follow it down with a couple glasses of water. The freeze dried food will absorb the water in your body and may cause dehydration.
5. It can be healthier than food from the store 
When you buy food from the store which isn’t “in season”, that food is picked prior to it’s ripest stage which has the most nutrients. Freeze dried food is “picked at it’s prime” and most of those nutrients stay because if the low heat process.
In conclusion
Freeze dried food has mostly good benefits, minus the price. Some of my favorites are freeze dried meat, and all of the fruit (peaches and strawberries are so good!)
What else would you like to know about freeze dried food? Comment below!
Further Reading:
Long Term Food Storage Options
3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying Freeze Dried Food
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