Looking at over 10 top rated websites for how to save on summer electricity costs, I’ve come up with the list of the top 20 ways… starting with the most important/common and working down to some not as popular.
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How to save on summer electricity costs
Highlighted in PINK are ways that don’t cost money to save.
1. Close doors, blinds, shades and vents
to rooms you don’t use very often throughout the day. Don’t worry about cooling off these rooms, if you rarely use them. Instead, put a fan in there to plug in and turn on when you’re in the room.
2. Use Fans
This allows you to circulate the air and “feel” cooler, and works best if it’s cool outside and you can open up your windows.
3. Add energy efficient light bulbs
To all your light sources… these light bulbs can be pricey. So, buy a few and install them in your “most used lighted” rooms. You can buy these at your local hardware store.
4. Invest in shade
If you don’t already have good shade coming from trees around your home, try to plant some. One small tree to just cover up an especially sunny window will help, it doesn’t have a to be a huge growing tree to shade your whole house.
5. Ban the oven
With all kinds of kitchen gadgets coming out each year, this one is simple (with a little learning curve). Ovens use up tons of energy, and heat up the house. Try in instant pot, crock pot
or even grill outside instead. There are many versatile kitchen gadgets out there which will save you energy.
6. Program your thermostat
When you program it, your house stays a consistent temperature more often. When your house goes through extreme hot/cold the AC has to work harder to catch up to what you want it to be. Also, program your thermostat to be a little “warmer” at night than during the day, and sleep with thin sheets. Just the few hours you are sleeping at a higher temperature will save you money.
7. Washing machines and dishwashers
Run both FULL, and on the cold cycle. If you don’t have to heat up your water, it’ll save on your energy. Also, when using the dishwasher, cancel the “heat dry” cycle, and just let it air dry.
I find starting my dishwasher the same time each day, allows me to know when it’s finished… and I can open it up to air dry and be read when we want to empty it.
8. Unplug Devices
Although this can be a controversital topic saying these devices take up “practically no energy at all”, it is one of the TOP tips from energy compaines to save money. They recommend buying a Smart Strip to plug in the “difficult to reach devices”, so it’s easier to turn off. If you don’t want to do this will all your appliances, find out which ones “steal” the most energy and focus on those.
9. Add Insulation
Not only do you want to be sure you’ve got good insulation in your attic, but you can also use spray foam and insulate small cracks coming into our house (such as through pipes, and vents).
10. Rely on natural lights- turn off your lights
During the day try to turn off all the lights. If you have windows, be sure to rely on the natural lights to light up your house. Also, turn off lights to the rooms you aren’t in.
11. Inspect your AC
Be sure to have your AC inspected and working well. If not, you’ll be paying for the extra costs of a less efficient unit. Along with this, be sure to change your filters at the recommended times.
12. Hang laundry outside
Dryers take up a TON of energy. Hang up your clothing (or at least your blankets, towels, and sheets) outside to dry. Just be sure you won’t be expecting any rain or dust storms.
13. Spend more time outdoors…or head to the basement
When you go outside, coming back in feels cool. When you stay inside all day, it feels like the house heats up consistently. Also, if your house has a basement, those will typically be cooler as well.
14. Use electricity during Off-Peak hours
Contact your local electrical company to find when their off-peak hours are (typically after 6 pm). If you do laundry and dishwasher at this time, energy prices will be cheaper.
15. Look for other ways to “cool off” when coming in from extreme heat.
A lot of us like to crank up the AC after a few hours in the sun to cool off. Instead, try some ice water, popcicles or something else cooler. Even a cold shower will save you money.
16. If you work all day, turn your AC off.
Set your thermostat to off when you are gone working hours during the day. Close the blinds to sunny windows, and have your thermostat kick back on within 30-60 min of returning home.
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17. Try “leasing” solar panels
Look for companies to “lease” solar panels from. This allows you to know how much per month you’ll be spending on them and save yourself the high price of buying them. This is a great way to save on energy if you live where the sun always shines.
18. Rethink your roof.
AARP states “Installing a sunlight-reflecting “cool roof” or adding an approved coating to an existing roof can reduce temperatures up there by 50 to 60 degrees, trimming air-conditioning costs 20 percent.”
Read this article for more information about “cool roofs“.
19. Be sure furniture or drapes don’t cover vents
Along these lines, be sure your thermostat isn’t by a window or door that lets in heat.
20. Wear loose clothing
and lightweight. Then you feel cooler.
In conclusion
There are TONS of different ways for how to save on summer costs. Most of the options don’t even mean you have to spend money to save! I challenge you to try to pick 3 different ways to save this summer on your energy. That savings won’t show up instantly on your bills, but it will gradually decrease them over time, and allow you to put more money elsewhere.
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Comment below with a way you are going to try to save on your summer electricity costs.
Further Reading:
How to Get 1 Month Ahead on Expenses
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3 thoughts on “How to Save on Summer Electricity Costs”
My home was built in 1904 and I wanted to share what the old timers did before air conditioning was widely available. There is a whole house fan installed between the second floor and the attic and after dark you’d open up all the basement windows, open up the attic windows, then turn on the house fan. Cool air would be drawn in from the basement, and exit the house through the attic. In the morning, preferably before dawn, you’d shut off the fan, close the windows and draw the shades on the sunny side of the house.
In the event of loss of the electrical grid, I could do something similar, just without the house fan. I’ll still get a chimney effect with the warm air rising to the attic and fresh cooler air being drawn in through the basement.
And if you’re keeping your house warmer than usual, just remember to stay hydrated. Dehydration in the summer is no joke, it can sneak up on you fast, especially if you have to work outside…
Thank you for sharing, these are some good tips. How do you keep the air from escaping in the winter? I know my parents have problems with that sometimes.
We have a cover that has insulation on one side and plywood on the other than we mount on the four bolts hanging out from under the fan. The board is held up by 4 long hex nuts, so it has a tight fit against the ceiling. No airflow that I can detect during the winter.
When our needs turn to cooling we pull that down and put up a louvered cover that pulls open when the fan runs and closes when the fan is off. Not as insulating, but a lot easier than taking the plywood insulator on and off twice each day.
Without electricity, we’d skip the louvered cover since it won’t open without the extra draw from the fan.