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Need to stop recreational shopping? AKA Boredom Shopping? Here are some great tips!
Tips to Stop Recreational Shopping
- Decide you want to stop- If you don’t decide on it… you’ll never be fully committed to stopping.
- Delete your phone apps that allow you to- Amazon, target, ect. They make it so easy for you to buy stuff! Imagine… just sitting there bored for 3 more min before your dinner is finished, or at the doctors office.. what do you do? Check your phone… and see what new deals there are. It so easy to see what they have, and to buy it. Delete the apps!
- If you are bored and want to go somewhere…Decide where you want to go first… then you won’t be driving to the mall to walk around. Go to the park, or another store to walk around that won’t tempt you. Or even better… don’t go at all!
- If you just have to go get out of the house to clear your mind, or visit with friends, for for your sanity…Leave your credit cards at home. Put some “emergency cash” in the car, or wallet and FORGET about it! This allows you to leave your credit cards and spending money at home.
- Carry a list of income goals with you such as: save $100 a month, buy a car with cash, finish home improvement projects. Think of what you could spend that $20 on instead…. Having a bigger picture of what you want to USE your money for can help you keep from buying that $5 impulse buy… Because believe me…. They DO add up.
- Just because it’s on SALE DOES NOT mean you need to buy it! On sale for $3 is still $3 out of your pocket! Think about it… how many things have you bought because they were on sale? Now really… only about 10% of those were actually NEEDS right?
- Just don’t do it! You know you need to stop… Put that foot down and just do it! STOP. Tell your commitment to a friend, spouse, family member. The more people you tell to check up on you, the more “guilty” you feel when you shop and you won’t want to do it. Need help starting to figure out your finances?
Recreational shopping, boredom shopping, hobby shopping (whatever you call it)… is becoming more and more popular!
It is SO easy to buy anything and everything with the tap of a button. People don’t realize that if you are going to a store, or opening one (using those smart phones) you have a 100% greater chance of buying something then NOT going in or looking.
Make the decision to STOP today! Esp with the holidays coming around…
Hope this gives you some ideas to breaking your recreational shopping habit, and saving your budget! Let me know what you think!
What do you do to avoid recreational shopping? Comment below
Further Reading:
8 Reasons you are Always Over budget… and the Solutions
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